Alfonso and the Prickly Visitor Book Sample

Enjoy the first 8 pages from Alfonso and the Prickly Visitor by Susan Moffat, available from Amazon in both Kindle e-book and paperback. Alfonso and the Prickly Visitor also includes a FREE colouring book . The colouring book is subject to availability. Alfonso and the Prickly Visitor by Susan Moffat Alfonso the tortoise was just about to take a bite out of a rather large berry, when he heard the flap of wings. ‘ Greetings Your Highness,’ said a beautiful blue and orange bird. ‘ Hi Jeremy. Do you have any news from my parents?’ asked Alfonso. He had made his Mum and Dad very cross when he had decided to go off on an adventure, rather than helping at home. He had sent a message to his parents a week ago to say sorry. Jeremy hung his head in sadness. ‘Yes, Your Highness. I’m afraid that the King says that he’s still very angry with you. The King says that you need to return to the palace straight away.’ ‘ Oh no, that’s terrible. I’m no...