Writing A Legal Disclaimer For Your Blog

The following question recently occurred to me, do we need a legal disclaimer when writing a blog? I did some research. The answer definitely seems to be yes . How many of us are blindly typing away on our blogs without considering the legal implications? Probably quite a few. URL: www.freeimages.co.uk Description: " More than 16,000 Free hi-res stock photo images for Web, Design and Printed use. Design, Image Editing and Webmaster tips " So where do you start when you have no legal knowledge. I had an idea of some of the things I'd want to include, but how to word it, and what about what I hadn't thought about? So once again I turned to the internet . Luckily, other kind bloggers have also asked and answered that question . Here's a blog article, written by a blogger called Raelyn Tan, that I found particularly helpful: https://raelyntan.com/write-blog-disclaimer/ This then gave me a set of points that I nee...