Writing Tip - Use a Timeline

Easter Holiday Sale, Writing Tips and other news -

Hi, I'm Alfonso. This week I want to tell you about my upcoming sale,  the FREE Kindle Reading App, how Alfonso the Tortoise is doing on Amazon, and offer you another writing tip.

Alfonso the Tortoise - Easter Holiday Sale

On Friday, 31st March until Friday, 7th April, you can buy my book Alfonso the Tortoise for only 99p for one week only! For a good read buy Alfonso the Tortoise today!

To buy Alfonso the Tortoise from Amazon - click the link below and find out about my Royal family:


Alfonso's Best Seller Rank

Alfonso the Tortoise is now #9 on the Amazon Turtles Best Seller list.

Here's what one satisfied reader had to say:

"Very sweet story, with great pictures. Kids will fall in love with Alfonso.
Let us know when his next adventure is ready!"
If you've read my story, how about leaving me an Amazon or Goodreads review today. It doesn't take long and I'm sure other readers would love to hear what you thought. 

FREE Kindle Reading App

I don't know whether it's a secret, but Willie the Worm told me that the Kindle Reading App is actually FREE. You can read all my stories on almost any device. For instructions on downloading the FREE Kindle Reading App go to my page:


I really think that's it's such a great little app. Have fun trying it out!

Writing Tip - Timeline

When you're writing your story, you really need to have a beginning, lots of stuff that happens in the middle and an end.


Susan says that you can create a timeline for each of your stories. Think about what will happen at the beginning of the story. You could introduce your characters or the location of where the story is starting. Then think about the ending. How are you planning on ending your story? Then think about what events need to happen to get to the ending.

For more writing tips read my Writing Tips page:


Happy writing!

Love Alfonso

Buy Alfonso the Tortoise from Amazon – only 99p (£1.99 from 7th April 2017)!

Follow Alfonso (and Susan Moffat) on Twitter

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Read about Alfonso the Tortoise on Goodreads


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