Alfonso and the Monster Book Sample

Enjoy the first 8 pages from Alfonso and the Monster by Susan Moffat,
available from Amazon in both Kindle e-book and paperback.

Alfonso and the Monster also includes a FREE colouring book*.

Alfonso and the Monster by Susan Moffat

Alfonso the Tortoise had had a lovely afternoon sharing stories with his friends Jeremy the bird, Willie the worm and Eric the hedgehog, when he suddenly felt very sad.

          'Oh, I love it here in the Land of Garden. I just wish that my dad wasn't angry with me,' said Alfonso, sounding very glum.  'I didn't mean to upset him so much. I thought that he would understand when I wanted to see the wider world and make new friends.'

          Alfonso’s parents were the king and queen of the Animal Kingdom. He had sent messages saying sorry to them for moving to live so far away from their palace, but the King had still not forgiven him.

          'Oh Alfonso, I'm so sad that you're upset,' said Eric, Alfonso’s spiky best friend. 'Have you had any more ideas on how to make things better?'

          'Well, I’ve realised that the work that royal families do, by helping the people, is really important. I  wish that I could do that and stay here with all of you in the Land of Garden.'

          'Why don’t you suggest that then?' asked Willie. It seemed like a simple solution to him.

          'Yes I will!' said Alfonso. 'Maybe my dad will like the idea! Jeremy, please can you send my dad a message? Please say that I would like to help the people from right here in the Land of Garden.'

Alfonso talking to Eric, Jeremy and Willie

          'Yes, of course I will send that message,' said Jeremy eagerly. Jeremy was Alfonso’s feathered friend. He was also a delivery bird for BirdNet Communications. 'I’ll go right away and deliver it myself. The sooner we ask him the better.'

         'Thanks, so much Jeremy. See you later,' said Alfonso, as Jeremy launched himself into the sky.

          'I feel a lot better now,' continued Alfonso. 'I am so grateful to have such good friends! Now Eric, you were about to tell us a story about your cousin Brian, about when he met a wild hairy haggis up in Scotland.'

          'Yes that's right, I was. I really think that you'll like this story,' said Eric. The three friends settled back down, eager for Eric to share his story.

Later that day, the King was in the throne room, thinking about important palace business, when Jeremy the bird arrived.

          'Your Majesty, I have an urgent message from Prince Alfonso,' he said.

          'What is it, bird? I haven't got all day! I have serious kingdom business to be getting on with,' shouted the King, sounding very grumpy.

          Jeremy told the King everything that Alfonso had said.

The King thinks about what Alfonso has said

          'He wants to stay in this “Land of Garden” does he? I will consider Alfonso's message. You may leave now,' he said, dismissing Jeremy with a wave of his paw.

          'Hmm,' he thought to himself. 'I will think about Alfonso's idea. After all, I do remember what it was like when I was a young tortoise, and he does sound sorry. Though I do miss his cheerful face around the palace.'

          The King suddenly had a plan!

          'Herbert!' shouted the King.

          Herbert, a little mole, scurried along. 'Yes, your Majesty?'

          'I need to see my chief of spies. I have a mission for him!' ordered the King.

A few days later, Alfonso was busy enjoying his breakfast with Eric, when he heard a deep rumbling sound. The earth began to tremble and Alfonso, mid-chew, looked around the Land of Garden, and wondered what was happening.

          He felt his body start to vibrate as if an earthquake was about to rip the earth apart. His legs tingled and shook. Next to him was Eric, looking bug-eyed, also swaying and quaking.

Alfonso is shocked by a terrible shaking and quaking

          'Ah,' cried Eric, 'it's the end of the world! Run, we need to find somewhere to hide.'

          Eric immediately started to scurry back towards their little chestnut coloured hut, in order to hide from the strange goings on.

          Alfonso remained where he was, observing the garden, trying to work out what was causing the vibrations.

          'Hmm,' thought Alfonso, 'most strange. I hope that it isn't the end of the world! I'd better have a look around, as there must be a reason for this curious shaking of the ground.'

          He slowly set off to find out what was happening.

          Alfonso noticed several nuts falling from the tree and then bouncing off the grass. 'I really must get a hat to protect my head,' thought Alfonso, 'especially if I have to be brave and stop the end of the world!'

          He could imagine himself in a fierce helmet with horns sticking out of the top, just like the Vikings used to wear. He chuckled to himself, as he continued exploring.

Alfonso imagined himself wearing a viking helmet

I hope that you have enjoyed this sample. You can view and purchase this book on Amazon international websites, including:

*The colouring book is subject to availability


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