Writing Tips

Write Your Ideas Down -

If you are interested in developing your writing, then it is a good idea to keep a notebook with you. That way you never miss capturing those interesting things that you see or hear. You may hear a conversation that strikes inspiration, or see something that you want to remember for a future story idea.

Keep a Notebook of Ideas

You can always write them in your phone or tablet too. Then you will never be short of ideas - and never get writers block!

Don't forget those dreams - if something cool happens in your dreams jot that down too. Keep a notebook by your bed.

You never know what will turn into a story or poem.

So remember: keep a notebook with you. Then wherever you are you can write down your ideas.

Write A Little Every Day -

If you want to write a story or poem, then find time to write a little every day (or every weekday if your weekends are just too much fun!).

Write Every Day

Susan keeps telling me that if I want to write a book, I just need to keep on writing and that even 5-10 minutes a day can make a difference. Now sometimes, I'm just too busy checking out what's going on with my friends in the Land of Garden. But if I'm serious, then I need to spend a few minutes everyday adding to my story. Before I know it - I'll have a bestseller - I just need to think of a title...

Timeline -

When you're writing your story, you really need to have a beginning, lots of stuff that happens in the middle and an end.


Susan says that you can create a timeline for each of your stories. Think about what will happen at the beginning of the story. You could introduce your characters or the location of where the story is starting. Then think about the ending. How are you planning on ending your story? Then think about what events need to happen to get to the ending.



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