
Showing posts from March, 2017

Writing Tip - Use a Timeline

Easter Holiday Sale, Writing Tips and other news - Hi, I'm Alfonso. This week I want to tell you about my upcoming sale ,  the FREE Kindle Reading App , how Alfonso the Tortoise is doing on Amazon, and offer you another writing tip . Alfonso the Tortoise - Easter Holiday Sale On Friday, 31st March until Friday, 7th April, you can buy my book Alfonso the Tortoise for only 99p for one week only ! For a good read buy Alfonso the Tortoise today! To buy Alfonso the Tortoise from Amazon - click the link below and find out about my Royal family: Alfonso's Best Seller Rank Alfonso the Tortoise is now #9 on the Amazon Turtles Best Seller list. Here's what one satisfied reader had to say: "Very sweet story, with great pictures. Kids will fall in love with Alfonso. Let us know when his next adventure is ready!"   If you've read my story, how about leaving me an Amazon or Goodreads review today...

Alfonso On Facebook

5 Star Reviews for Alfonso the Tortoise and Other News - Hi, I'm Alfonso the Tortoise This week I want to tell you about my Amazon reviews, tell you about my walkabout on the internet, and tell you about Goodreads. 5* Reviews on Amazon   I now have nine 5* star reviews on Amazon ! Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my book so far. I'm very happy that you're all loving it. One of my lovely readers even said that they thought my book would be great for 8 year olds. So I've gone ahead of upped my suggested age limit to 8 (although I'm very happy that older children, adults and my animal friends are also enjoying the book). Alfonso on Facebook Well, I went for a short walk on the internet this week and wandered across a little app called Facebook . It looked like such a lovely place that I've created a page there. You can now follow me on Facebook at: Goodreads update Susan has be...

Alfonso on Goodreads

Goodreads News, Writing Tip and Other News - Hi, I'm Alfonso the Tortoise. This week I want to let you know that my author, Susan Moffat, is now on the Goodreads website . I'm also going to give you another writing tip , and I have the best news ever - I have now got  7 five star reviews on Amazon . That makes me a very happy tortoise! Goodreads Susan is now on the Goodreads website as my author. She will be busy updating her author page during the next week. You can even see what book she's currently reading - it's a bit scary if you ask me! I definitely don't feel brave enough to read that one. Goodreads is a great website as you can find out about all sorts of amazing books and even see what your friends are reading. I wonder what Jeremy the bird will read next - hmmm, I must have a look. Check out my Goodreads page: Check out Susan's Goodreads page:

Amazon Author Page

Amazon Author Page, Writing Tip and Other News - Hi, I'm Alfonso. Welcome to my first official post now that I have some followers. This week I want to tell you about my author Susan Moffat's author page on Amazon. I'm also going to give you a writing tip. Author Page Checkout Susan's author page at: It's fab as it tells you why Susan loves tortoises so much. If Susan hadn't read Small Gods by Terry Pratchett I wouldn't even exist! Writing Tip If you want to write a story, then keep a notebook with you. Then wherever you are you can write down your ideas. You can always write them in your phone or tablet too. Then you will never be short of ideas - and never get writers block! Don't forget those dreams - if something cool happens in your dreams, jot that down too. You never know what will turn into a story or poem. Alfonso's Dream Last night I dreamt about fish...they were flying aro...